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BlackWidow7d t1_j4h6sqg wrote

My friend had a cat like this. They named her “Toesy”


Tstano77 t1_j4h89uf wrote

Key West kitties have an extra toe.


plculver1 t1_j4hhr1k wrote

They're growing human feet now. Opposable thumbs are next.


julmills t1_j4hkn77 wrote

I would immortalize those in some soft clay.


NetAssetNeutrons t1_j4htaru wrote

This thing will dig holes in your arms if you run her belly for more than 3 seconds


Covalsqy t1_j4i8q2y wrote

Thats really cute but i need to know if that cat is ok, i hope whatever happened to their feet doesnt give them trouble


BefuddledPolydactyls t1_j4isbjw wrote

I have one with 6, and one with 6 and 7. Had one with 6 but almost an opposable thumb, he would actually pick up his treats with his paw! That was startling when he first did it. Haven't seen a kitty like this one though.


im-buster t1_j4j4hlh wrote

I had onewith two paws on each leg.I named him Paw-Paws.


Catsandcamping t1_j4jsgtt wrote

It's a rather common genetic mutation called polydactyly. The only marked difference between them and other cats is the presence of extra toe beans and sometimes extra claws. Ernest Hemingway had a bunch of them when he was still living and there is still a colony of them at his house/museum in Key West. You commonly hear them referred to as "Hemingway cats" because of this.


Zurc_bot t1_j4k6qa6 wrote

It's like he's wearing shoes


blizg t1_j4medt4 wrote

I would be so confused if I saw these footprints