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Jrbobfishman t1_j8zf5d4 wrote

Damn. It was so nice the grass was growing and the deciduous trees had leaves in February. Wtf


A_P_Dahset t1_j8zhmi6 wrote

Can we get some of these on East 23rd St please? We've asked and been shot down before. Our hood isn't as fancy as this one...


baltimorecalling t1_j8zijdp wrote

Did you just happen upon a random picture of people driving equipment? This picture was absolutely not taken last week. I'd be surprised if it was even Bellona Ave.



The_Waxies_Dargle t1_j8zijt0 wrote

Don't get too offended. If you ever go to a city council meeting, you'll quickly discover that speed bump requests are the reason about 25% of the people are there.

I can only imagine it's gotten more pronounced since city police have taken traffic stops out of the equation.


Kalthimor t1_j90v5vw wrote

Gotta make sure those proper neighborhoods get what all neighborhoods deserve , but make sure they get them first. 😉


throwaway37865 t1_j90z7ev wrote

I drive on Bellona Ave from the county all the way to where it ends on York road. I drove this route four times last week on my way to work. Not once did the speed bumps change.

This is so bizzarre. Unless this is an auto post why are you saying this took place last week? This has to have taken place MONTHS ago based on 1. The fact the driver is in a tank. 2. The trees and grass looking like it’s summer 3. You’re the city so you weren’t putting speed bumps in where the county is —- meaning there’s a specific corridor on Bellona where these can be.

It would be nice if DOT would focus on/try to fix the issues caused by the bus lane on York road and how it is increasing commute times and dangerous driving by people who are speeding to “skip the line” and then aggressively cut in later.


Tim_Y t1_j912kme wrote

> I'm quite sure this isn't Bellona.

I used to live on Bellona - this aint it. Bellona has a double yellow line the from beginning to end, and this looks like a one way street somewhere in Waverly.

This pic looks like it was taken in the summer also, so probably just some random stock photo from DOT's archives.


bmore t1_j91dgzo wrote

The nicest single family neighborhoods may pay "more" per house, but they certainly don't pay their fair share and are less tax productive than any given rowhouse in Hoes Heights, for example.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_j91g8d0 wrote

Pretty sure this is the same crew who shat the bed under the BMore_Healthy moniker.

The question is why post this? Why go to the trouble of posting an image they know is misleading, and crafting the post to draw attention to it? They had a decent story to tell... and yet they chose to undermine their credibility with a pointless lie.

It's a little thing and largely inconsequential. But most big things are made of lots of little things. And on social media, credibility is currency.


MarinaraPruppets t1_j91s1hx wrote

Can you guys put the leaves back on the trees in my neighborhood next?


Xanny t1_j91tc19 wrote

So besides the controversy, why are we doing speed bumps rather than continuous sidewalks? They accomplish the same result, just one also is safer for pedestrians where pedestrians are.


In_This_To_Win_This t1_j93p8tm wrote

Nice work! I would like to see pedestrian crosswalks painted or repainted and better signage stating that stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks is the law.


Jrbobfishman t1_j944q1c wrote

That bmore healthy thing was unbelievable. Just straight up lying about vaccine hesitancy. Now every time I see a post from a ”verified” city employee, all I can do is look for the BS. It was soo easy to spot this time. Sad and shameful