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susierabbit t1_j6ugva4 wrote

Native Baltimorean here. I went to college in Richmond and came back to Baltimore after graduating. I made great friends while in college and those friendships are still in my life today. When I returned to Baltimore, I still had my dear friends but also made great friends with others. Baltimore really has a lot of great and friendly people. I can’t say I met any assholes just good caring people.

I missed the charm of Richmond and returned but I had my college friends so I was welcomed back. My friends from my career are still in my life but the friends I met because of my children are dear friends.

I think you will love Baltimore but if you find it is too big of a city for you, Richmond will welcome you back.


9to5Voyager OP t1_j6ur3w7 wrote

Ha, the old "Richmond Boomerang." Yeah Richmond is not *bad,* in fact I like it way better than Atlanta. But I think Baltimore may be the perfect size for me. Thanks for your response!