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9to5Voyager OP t1_j6us8gj wrote

Oh that reminds me! I was on another thread where this guy was asking for advice about moving TO Richmond. And like everyone and their dog was telling him "We're full up don't come here" and "Google it yourself" and just....kind of being assholes. I'm also from Austin so my definition of "full up" and "explosive growth" is VERY different. Richmonders really don't know much about that, trust me.


escamuel t1_j6xvh6i wrote

Definitely a thing in Richmond. Natives are pretty salty about how difficult it is to buy a home there now. That’s not as much of an issue in Baltimore where the population has been shrinking.


9to5Voyager OP t1_j6xwd3k wrote

I kind of get it though. Rents and home prices have actually been skyrocketing, certainly by Richmond standards. And while the Baltimoreans on here may laugh when I mention crime...RVA really is no slouch. I hear gunshots all over the city all the time. Just in my experience I can tell you. The prices are getting to that tipping point where I'm beginning to question cost vs what you get. Another reason I'm looking at Baltimore. Yeah it's a little more expensive but it just seems like a better deal.


escamuel t1_j6xwwnv wrote

Way easier and cheaper to buy a decent home in Baltimore. I’d say that Baltimore has resisted gentrification more so than any other city in the 95 corridor from Richmond to Boston. Not to imply that it’s not happening here, just at a much slower rate.


9to5Voyager OP t1_j6y4l2q wrote

Home ownership is still a few years off for me, but it's definitely my plan. Hopefully those prices hold up just a little while longer!