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butwhyshouldicare t1_j6v44yc wrote

Agree with the sentiment of the other commenters- I moved here last summer and people here are extremely friendly. Easy to make friends with cool people in Volo leagues, at bars, neighbors, etc. One thing to notice - Baltimoreans LOVE to give recommendations for bars and restaurants. Keep a running list of where people tell you to go! Baltimore is very neighborhoody so even though it’s a city, you don’t get that feeling of “I’ll never see any of these people ever again” like when you go to places in bigger cities, and people take a lot of pride in the places they frequent.


9to5Voyager OP t1_j6vawab wrote

Great! I like cities with actual neighborhoods and I love trying out new places.
I've been hearing a lot about Volo lately and I thought it was just what the cool kids were calling volleyball. Volo actually encompasses a bunch of sports clubs, I guess?


NorthboundGoose t1_j6vrlvd wrote

Totally agree with this person. I live in Federal Hill. Used to live in Locust Point. Been here close to 6 years in city proper. The neighborhood “feel” around the city is very unique even with adjacent neighborhoods. Most of the neighborhoods really have their own identity which is really cool.

One thing I have noticed about Baltimore that is good and bad - is that certain people really don’t leave or want to leave their neighborhood by choice. I’ve talked to my old barber in Hampden and they had NEVER been to Federal Hill. It’s a short distance away! In the same vein I have a lot of friends in Canton and we really don’t see each other as much as we’d like due to the fact we have to drive downtown or hop on a boat to get to each other.

It’s something to note. The neighborhoods really do manifest into little communities here but make sure you make an active effort to go to other neighborhoods too because they can be so different and wonderful and might have something for you you didn’t expect! I adore the vibe of Station North and Bolton Hill. Would never have known that if I didn’t escape my little micro community.


9to5Voyager OP t1_j6vs3in wrote

Will do! I love exploring new places anyway so that's no problem.


NorthboundGoose t1_j6vslog wrote

Just don’t fall in the trap!

They need to figure out a sensible east west transit system for Baltimore that would help a bit with neighborhood mobility. Honestly biking has got a lot better around Bmore in the last few years so I think that’s the best way to get around the city. Obviously still work to do and metro would be nicer.


NorthboundGoose t1_j6vstp0 wrote

Volo literally has a flip cup league afaik lol. Never done it but there’s definitely a lot of options. I want to do kickball myself.


9to5Voyager OP t1_j6vszhe wrote

Ha! I haven't played flip cup probably since college but I was a beast at it back then. Sounds fun!