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mountainsandmoxie t1_j6wxxer wrote

Sounds like I'm not saying anything new here, but I moved to Bmore in my late 20's (classic hard to make friends territory) and made friends through Baltimore Bike Party, Tango, my church (not everyone's jam, but nothing I'm listing is!), one great friend I met when they forgot their credit card at a Charles Theater event and I offered to pay for her ticket because she was obviously super distressed, and my gym (small, specialized). It seemed easy to make one connection, and then more of their connections would follow. Things have evolved, people have moved, etc. and now I'm married with a child in my late 30's and I've still gotten involved more now with coworkers and a local "mom group." I'm naturally an extrovert, but at least for me, it's been easy to find community when I wanted it!


9to5Voyager OP t1_j6xskrn wrote

Ngl the past few years have been difficult. Hell, maybe I'll find a church haha (I'm not a churchgoer myself but I had to be because all my friends were and just about every woman I've ever dated was). I'm glad you were able to find your people and congratulations!