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escamuel t1_j6xy4pm wrote

As long as you don’t move to DC you’ll at worst be making a lateral move haha.


9to5Voyager OP t1_j6xze4o wrote

I mean this with all the love and respect in my heart...f*** DC.


escamuel t1_j6y069u wrote

The absolute worst. A beautiful city filled with a bunch of uptight boring ass people. That’s where I was between Richmond and Baltimore. Don’t miss it one bit.


9to5Voyager OP t1_j6y43lx wrote

It's the only city I've ever been to where you can't ask someone for directions on the street. People talk about NY, Boston, Philly, etc. I've found those people to all be perfectly helpful. People in DC walk right by you like you're not even there. I don't even stop people! I ask them in passing out of respect for their time! And I've heard horror stories about the social scene there.

Great place to visit though.


yazmataz329 t1_j74osh2 wrote

Lol most people in DC don't know how to give directions!