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mjy12892 t1_ja3txe3 wrote

Yea horizon roofing was absolutely fantastic to us when we needed a roof. Sorry man.


baltimoretom t1_ja4c0j4 wrote


Google their address lol


Zoroasker t1_ja4dt8c wrote

Wow…not what I was expecting!


baltimoretom t1_ja4eeyt wrote

I felt childish posting that, but those opportunities are rare.


JonWilso t1_ja7mkmn wrote

For more fun, check out Google maps where you will see it's right near....Pleasure Island.

No joke.


baltimoretom t1_ja7t285 wrote

Which is a fun place to go if you have a boat or friends with a boat.


brocialism t1_ja3wvya wrote

Agreed, Horizon was hands-down the most honest company I've ever worked with. It felt like they were family friends.


candy4breakfast11 t1_ja4r4qq wrote

Ditto! Horizon also worked with me on what I could afford rather than pushing crazy financing (lookin’ at you, four twelve with a 9% interest rate in early 2021!). I believe I have a 12 yr warranty on my roof per our contract.


mjy12892 t1_ja50lol wrote

Yea we have the same warranty and after 5 years they contact you for a re seal. Worth every penny I spent.


justinbreaux t1_ja5xhqi wrote

Ken’s all class and his team was super friendly and efficient for me as well.

Another thing reading through OP’s post about Roger Shiflet I chuckled because I wasn’t surprised. He’s obviously built a good reputation amongst this area so I guess he’s got to be at least somewhat good, but I got the same sense of arrogance from him when I tried to get my roof quoted.


Accurate-Tell8 t1_ja5js94 wrote

Same. Their price was competitive and they were top notch. They also didn’t push me to replace both levels of roof, only the main level. They identified the problem and were honest. Other companies tried to push me to replace everything which would of required removing a deck and rebuilding it.