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vy_you t1_j9n2zkk wrote

Which one?


jejunebug t1_j9ncn0k wrote

Dylan’s. I’ve been. I’ve had good meals, and great oysters. The bar service far outweighs the table service, which is where the problem starts. If I go to a place named and known for its oyster service, I expect the same knowledge and service at a table that I get at the bar. Not the case there. It’s just too much $$ for what it is. At the end of your visit you’re not paying less than you would at somewhere like TSOH and the service and knowledge you get there is far, FAR superior to that of Dylans.


26thandsouth t1_j9u6eis wrote

Agree 100%. And yes, Dylan's is psychotically overpriced (which is becoming a deeply concerning trend across the city btw, with every other establishment raising prices far above the inflation rate).