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Thanatosst t1_ja2sc13 wrote

>Send over old equipment that's just sitting in a warehouse collecting dust

>That old equipment has shown that the Russian military cannot force project more than a few dozen miles from their domestic rail system

>The war has clearly proven that the Russian military capabilities it claimed only existed on paper and that Russia has no ability to fight a war against someone not literally next door to them

>The war has depleted whatever limited equipment Russia has been able to produce/hold onto since WWII

Yeah man. Clearly this is all bringing us closer to war with Russia. They're obviously just biding their time and withholding soldiers and equipment just in case they decide to go full send and try to take on all of NATO directly. It couldn't possibly be true that the war is crippling Russia more and more by the day, draining the male population that hasn't already fled, and it obviously hasn't depleted what few stockpiles of military equipment they had.

If Russia decided to directly attack the US or another NATO country, Article 5 would be invoked and then the Russian military would be functionally nonexistent in a couple of weeks.