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todareistobmore t1_j8ny2lm wrote

> Do they live around Pratt?

No, but also most of them are doing deliveries so even if the garage on Gay had free <30 minute parking, chances are they wouldn't/couldn't.


wbruce098 t1_j8o6rxd wrote

Someone else explained that it’s down in the inner harbor. I was thinking Canton since that’s my side of town 😅

I can see the attraction of parking there, and frankly, idk that delivery folks are typically sitting there long enough for someone to catch them. And if they do, it’s what $25-30 a ticket? That’s barely over parking garage rates. Idk if there’s a solution for that unless it involves someone full time assigned to ticket down there, or maybe dedicated loading zones.

Having said that… my random city dwellers, chick fil a fries that are half an hour old are just not good. Get fried rice or pizza on your doordash instead!


Murph1908 t1_j8p3sul wrote

Ypu could have a parking enforcement walk around the Inner Harbor all day and ticket people.

They like to stop on Lombard outside BCCC in the no stopping area too.

But police don't care. One guy was parked in no parking outside 7-11 on Market Place. Bus was trying to turn onto Market but couldn't because of this asshat. It blocked 2 la especially of Lombard for 5 minutes.

Cops right there. Did nothing.