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Mojo_art OP t1_j9ytbf1 wrote

Thanks so much for your response. You’re one of the few who have had a kid go to each school, so your perspective is really valuable.

Did your BSA kid fall out of love because of their own growth and evolution or because of the program?

What kind of theater did your City kid do?


Terriblebathmats t1_ja02pio wrote

Sort of both. She loved her instrumental teacher, and most of the academic teachers, but felt the program was inhumane in its demands. Plus other interests developed. She graduated in ‘17, and understands things have improved, so I highly encourage you to find current/more recent students for feedback. The community there was good, too. City kid acted in every show and went on to major in theatre. I may have already breached my own anonymity, but I’ll just say he’s working in theatre Ed now.