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Thinkdeep555 t1_j9yzofj wrote

When I went to bsa I didn’t know it was the place for me. Before highschool I knew I really liked making art, I learned best from my art teachers in middle school and my parents encouraged me to explore that outlet. I was also in between taking a more traditional academic route and bsa. When it came down to making a decision I realized I wanted to give my talent a shot at a school where other students were doing something similar and I could take classes that were designed to help me build my art career and skills. It was a pretty big decision to make as a young person who’s still wondering a lot. If your kid likes to be challenged artistically and intellectually and is curious about their own music experience then bsa might be a good fit. It wasn’t a “traditional” highschool experience, but it gave me a lot of art experience that many kids who were interested in art didn’t get until college or later. Again happy to answer any more questions you have!