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Cryptizard t1_j78b4bu wrote

You can see from the website that literally all of the things you listed are coming, they just aren't all ready yet.


JLJ2021 t1_j7bgqy2 wrote

High chance that stuff doesn’t open imo, even still with it all open it’d be disappointing. The experience is SOOOO different


Purple_bread_door t1_j7bpkj4 wrote

Construction makes things open slowly if it’s done thoughtfully. Would you rather a cheap replica? Or a long lasting-well constructed monument to baltimore?


JLJ2021 t1_j7c3snw wrote

This is so far from a monument to baltimore. Might as well just call it an off brand Broadway market +R. House at this point.


sleaziep OP t1_j792u6i wrote

37 vendors listed. 10 coming soon discounting BMA. Also, lots of old favorites missing and, no fresh veggies / fish, meat and poultry. No bands. Nowhere near as much communal space. They literally DONT have the things in my list. And the auxiliary building across the street is closed. Are you astroturfing or what?


Cryptizard t1_j795mps wrote

>no fresh veggies / fish, meat and poultry

Bro can you read? There are literally two fresh seafood merchants (Faidley's, Cho's Sea Garden), two butchers (Buffalo Bill's II, Brookdale Farms Poultry) and a place called Garden Produce that sells fruit and vegetables. I feel like I am going crazy, or else you are a troll.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j79gjph wrote

I am going to go there soon and write about my experience there. I was there a few months ago and it said that various vendors were coming at that time.

Healthy Choice was once at Lexington Market but they ended up closing up. Ironically enough, there food was anything but healthy but it was delicious and inexpensive. Like a full container of food that was enough for at least two meals was about $10.00.

There were several vendors that had fried chicken. I will agree that that was over kill. But I loved the places that had the turkey wings and turkey legs as well.

It's not just about having food there it's having it available at a price point that is affordable to someone that's been going to Lexington Market for years.

That's what I think people are missing in this subreddit and it's really annoying to see how people are instead of being empathetic that others simply don't have the economic resources that they do. You may not want to eat certain foods, but what about folks that do?


wtryan84 t1_j7fw6lm wrote

Park's moved across the street, but they desperately need a second or third place fried chicken inside Lexington because Super Fried Chicken was slammed this Saturday when I went. Plus all I want is too many fried gizzards covered in hot sauce and I am not sitting in line for 20 minutes to give someone $6 so my wife can look on with disgust while I shovel bird organs into my mouth. That said Krause's is still there and the turkey is still delicious. It's tough, I had a lot of good times in old Lexington and I'll miss it, but shit changes, it seems even faster the older I get. I don't know, I just hope the new market is able to be successful. I'd maybe wait until some more vendors are in there, there is still quite a bit of construction.


sleaziep OP t1_j79o25w wrote

Hahah the bread pudding at Healthy Choice was the best! RIP.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j7ctpjm wrote

Oh my goodness! Yes it was! I'm glad I was able to eat there with my mom before it was gone.


sleaziep OP t1_j79nomt wrote

You're so weird. There used to be over 80 vendors, live music, and all the things that I listed. I go there today, there are 30 vendors and none of my old favorites (except for faidleys). There's no live music. There's nowhere to sit and hang out. The vibe is totally different and there's a bunch of high end prepared foods. However, I'm the one that is incorrect because I didn't look at a website with a thumbnail and a promise that some high-end butcher is allegedly coming at some point in the future. I was disappointed. You can't show me some thumbnail on some website and make an argument that I should be satisfied.


Cryptizard t1_j7aiyl6 wrote

You have been caught lying and insulting me twice now. Why should I believe or care about anything you say? You are seriously a piece of shit.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j7h1dl2 wrote

You really need to chill out! Cursing at someone for having a different opinion than you is completely uncalled for.


Cryptizard t1_j7i30ce wrote

I'm sorry but your comment is completely uncalled for. I responded twice to OP in a civil manner and they insulted me both times and lied about their own experience in order to exaggerate their point for some reason. I don't have to just take that. OP has like 100 downvotes while I have upvotes, it seems like my comment was completely called for.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j7h1ls5 wrote

Exactly. The people that downvoted you didn't even contribute to the conversation by sharing their thoughts.

How many of those folks have ever even been to the old Lexington Market or grew up going there?


sleaziep OP t1_j7j90su wrote

Hey I didn't want to say it because apparently I'm a lying asshole for sharing my impressions, but there sure is a lot more website reading going on than actual reports from folks that have been to the new lex. As a matter of fact, when I scroll down the comments, it looks like most of the people that say they actually visited have lukewarm reviews at best. So strange. But what do I know, I'm just a piece of shit who doesn't read websites before forming an opinion about my personal experience.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j7j9rik wrote

Yeah I hear you. Don't let it get to you as some people really don't know what they are talking about and it really shows.

If we could have comments from some lifelong Baltimore residents to give this place some real variety


sleaziep OP t1_j7jadye wrote

It's whatever. I think we all saw this coming from a mile away. Thanks captain.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j7970p2 wrote

>They literally DONT have the things in my list.

> no fresh veggies / fish, meat and poultry.

Veggies- Garden Produce

Fish- Cho's Sea Garden and Faidley's Seafood

Meat and Poultry- Buffalo Bill's II and Brookdale Farms Poultry

Blacksmiths is southern cooking, not quite soul food but probably close, and I'll bet Buffalo Bill's II or Trinacria has a deli counter. The only things missing from your list are Thai and Chinese but we got Nepali Fusion, West African and Jamaican.

At this point you're just bitching to bitch.


Cryptizard t1_j797hry wrote

There is an actual deli, Royal Deli, even. Also Blue Island Malaysian is there, and they have been at the market for decades. It is probably what OP was thinking of when they said "chinese." they don't seem very observant.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j798wvi wrote

Ah cool makes sense, I couldn't tell if Royal Deli had an actual deli counter or was just a grab and go sandwich place.


moderndukes t1_j797sir wrote

> No bands

I don’t even understand this. It’s a list of vendors.