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SpaghettiOsPolicy t1_j7g48wp wrote

If I waited for a mid sized group to go out with, I'd rarely end up going out haha. If you like music, I recommend hitting up open mics and karaoke bars. They're very social environments and it's easy to chat with strangers there compared to a standard bar.

Sports is another one that can be a social environment, typically in a bar setting again. And you're already doing Volo which is another good sports social activity. I'm not sure about video games, but No Land Beyond can be great for joining a group to play with at their Thursday events ( I think they actually have a biweekly Smash Bros Melee tournament that meets again this Thursday too.

I'm working on my social skills still tbh. I'm confident enough to go out alone, sometimes I meet people and end up exchanging numbers and seeing them again. Other times I don't really chat with anyone.