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moderndukes t1_j9u8zzy wrote

Simply because you don’t know where you’d be teaching yet, I would hold off on looking for a home to buy considering your search perimeters regarding walkability/transit. Like I could suggest Fed Hill to you because it hits all the marks you’re looking for, but if it turns out you’re working up in Clifton Park then that walkability nor MARC access isn’t going to help much to get to your school.

I would suggest coming back for suggestions once you know where you’ll be working.


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9ueaiu wrote

This is good advice! I’ll keep Fed Hill in mind but should probably wait until I see what job openings are available for next year (in March.) Thanks!


fre_d_dy t1_j9txrx1 wrote

At your price point you could look at some smaller rowhomes in Remington or Hampden, 2bd 1ba 1000sqft will sell in the 180-200k sort of range.

Probably more in the $200-250k range, there’s some similar houses in Upper Fells/Highland Town.

But certainly spend time getting to know an area and the city as a whole before you commit to buying a house. Nothing wrong with renting to get to know an area, and make sure it’s a place you want to stay for at least 5 years.


Wolfman3 t1_j9uakjq wrote

Move-in ready at $200k in Hampden? Lol, no — maybe 10+ years ago.

Houses in Hampden typically go for $350k+ and so many of them are shitty quick flips with gray everything from the laminate floors to the kitchen cabinets.


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9uefff wrote

Good to know. I am approved for 350k+ but I am currently rent poor. Don’t want to be house poor too.


baltimorecalling t1_j9v3cou wrote

This is in my neighborhood. Same housing stock, although the layout is a bit different in this one. We paid $235 for ours in 2021. This one seems like a bargain at $180.

Walking distance to the light rail, 95 bus. Either of those should get you to the MARC.

I love the neighborhood, too. Super quiet, yet close to a lot of things.


TaterTotz8 t1_j9ubcet wrote

Hampden is a no go for move in ready under 200. If it is move in ready it will be more like 800sq ft…and still need some work. And on the far west side of falls in the areas that I’m not sure a young county woman will feel safe in. Medfield may have some options, but walkability severely drops.


kittycatcate t1_j9ulpkk wrote

I bought a small house on the west side of falls when I was 24. Never felt unsafe there. It was great. It’s more green than the east side of falls. I had a huge backyard that had beautiful sunset views over tv hill.

Owning can be expensive. You might get hit with a repair that could be thousands of dollars, so you have to be prepared for that. You need a bigger emergency fund.

Ultimately buying young worked out for me. I had a lot of equity in the home when I ultimately sold, but naturally with all investments YMMV.


dizzy_centrifuge t1_j9ud9tn wrote

Maybe a few years ago. Prices in the livable parts of the city have gone up dramatically the 2 years. Currently, 1000 sqft in Hampden,Remington,Charles Village, etc. is gonna run you around 300k


fre_d_dy t1_j9ueklb wrote

300k is definitely the norm. But there’s a reasonable looking 2bd 900sqft for 180k listed up above Wine Source and Hampden, and similar sized houses in Remington have gone for $175-$200k in the last couple months.


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9uek5i wrote

Doable but would make me housepoor! I need to think more about it! Thanks for the advice!


dizzy_centrifuge t1_j9vcb3d wrote

I'm not recommending you to buy a house above your rwnge just adding to the conversation about housing prices in those neighborhoods. I'm assuming you have a sufficient down payment for the price range you mentioned. You may be better suited renting a room or cheaper apartment and adding to your savings. With interest rates where they are, it might make sense to wait for rates to come down in the next 2-3 years as it could save you a significant amount in the long run of it's a place you plan to live in for 10+ years


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9u0vai wrote

Thanks for the recommendations! I’ll check those neighborhoods out.

And thanks for the other advice! I am pretty sure I will want to stay as Baltimore hits every location requirement I was looking for and I’ve been on the search for a while! Thanks!


Kooky_Deal9566 t1_j9twf9z wrote

At your age, I would suggest waiting to buy a house.

Obviously, I’m not sure how much you’ve got saved, but a house in the $225k range that meets your criteria may require a bit of work. If things go wrong and stuff breaks, you’re on the hook for paying for repairs that you may not have anticipated. So unless you’ve already got a decent rainy day fund, repair costs may become problematic. Plus, you will owe a couple thousand on property taxes each year. So, besides your mortgage, you’ll have those costs to deal with too. Homeownership is more costly and burdensome that most realize…

Moreover, you’re 22. Who knows where you’ll be in five years? A house is a big commitment at a time in your life where you’re just setting out on your path.

My advice? Find a dope rental at a price point that allows you to horde some cash. If you still like living in Baltimore after a few years and you feel more or less permanently settled here, then buy.


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9u09v8 wrote

I totally get this! But the truth is I am tired of renting. That is a silly reason but I’ve been working fulltime since I was 18 and have significant savings despite the fact that I currently pay over 2k a month to live where I’m living right now haha. I don’t have any debt either and a great credit score. I’m eligible for down payment incentives as well. I want to buy.

I’m kind of open to renting for a few more months, in order to eligible for another grant in 2024 but end goal is still to buy haha.

I got pre-approved for more than $225k, I just don’t know if it’s worth raising my limit because I don’t want to keep spending 2k a month of my take home pay on housing. I understand the risks that come with homeownership and I’m fine with them.

Thanks for the advice though!


Naive-Raisin4134 t1_j9u1bpa wrote

Yea, don't listen to that guy. He probably doesn't own. The taxes are built into your mortgage payment. I bought my first house at 22 and it's a much better investment then renting.

You will have the look for something in a lesser desirable neighborhood more then likely but plenty of those are safe. Possibly right on the outskirts of Fed Hill or Canton and hope the "good" area pushes towards you. Definitely find a good realtor and their are some first time home buyer incentives you can probably qualify for.


moderndukes t1_j9u848e wrote

> but a house in the $225k range that meets your criteria may require a bit of work

Hard disagree. In Fed Hill and Pigtown, houses in that range (and lower) are newly renovated.

Also property tax is built into your monthly mortgage payment and can be tax deductible / qualify for incentives to bring the burden down. If you’re paying rent it isn’t, and you’re paying a premium on top of the owner’s mortgage to them and they are generating the equity off you.


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9ufshw wrote

Thanks, good to know! This is exactly my thought process! I’d rather pay a mortgage than continue to be rent poor and have nothing to show for it!


needleinacamelseye t1_j9u2147 wrote

I strongly agree with previous posters that you should consider renting at least for the first year. Take the time to get to know the city - there are hundreds of neighborhoods here, all with their various pros and cons. You might find in a year's time that you like a place you'd never have considered now.

If you can afford a $200k-225k house, you can probably comfortably afford $1500/month in rent - this is enough to get you a 1BR in most nice neighborhoods. Transit can be tough in the city, so it never hurts to live near where you work or at least within a one-seat bus ride. Walkable + safe + close to MARC immediately makes me think of Mount Vernon, Otterbein, or Ridgely's Delight, but if you don't drive I would take a serious look at where you'll be commuting to and work backwards from there.


instantcoffee69 t1_j9u2gsl wrote

I want to first say that I live in Baltimore City, and I absolutely love it.

BUT, I can not recommend enough AGAINST your idea. For the following:

  • Baltimore is a city of neighborhoods, it's gonna take some time to find the one your like, or even the block you like.
  • New career is hard for everyone, make sure you like the job and want to stay
  • Baltimore rowhomes can be a bear. And in general you'll need a bit of work in each house when you move in
  • This is not the best time to rush into a house, take a few years to make sure Baltimore is where you want to be a take the dive
  • Public transportation: figure out where you're gonna work, and find a home that the commute is feasible. Too many people don't live near bus lines then are shocked when there are no busses

MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9ufgxg wrote

Thanks for all your advice! I have taught before though in order to get licensed! Not a full year but several months! I like it but it paid less than nannying in my area lol! A little work to live in a house is normal, but I am not interest in major renovations! I’ll take what you said into consideration!


Ok_Spray_2317 t1_j9u909e wrote

Just chiming in to say that I bought my first house in my 20s and it was a great decision- I bought in South Baltimore, which was cheaper than it is now but I don't think it would necessarily be a mistake to buy instead of rent. I would wait and see where you will teaching though if you can- it's so, so nice to live relatively close to work- so if you get a job in Northeast Baltimore it would stink to have bought something in Hollins Market for example. Once you know where your job will be it will be easier to find a good neighborhood fit.


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9ueq18 wrote

Thanks! I get that I am young but I believe I can do it! I’ll wait until I’m sure where my school is located to ask again!


Longjumping_Map9160 t1_j9u6kdt wrote

If you find a home with the CHAP rehab tax credit (typically 10 years) you would qualify for a more expensive home. Since the tax credit would offset the cost. My house had that credit.


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9ug14m wrote

Good to know! I qualify for more than what I wrote here, I just don’t want to be house-poor AF! Thanks for the advicen


daveed4445 t1_j9v3cw9 wrote

Why not rent for a year or two and get the feel for a neighborhood before committing on a home purchase?


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9v3w49 wrote

Tired of renting and I can afford to buy. Baltimore hits all my requirements as well!


daveed4445 t1_j9v4ljk wrote

Makes sense, are you from the area or totally new? Might be a smarter idea to rent for a short period before making a big financial decision like buying so you learn the neighborhoods for yourself


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9v4ulx wrote

I’ve been to Baltimore several times (more than I can count) but the longest I’ve lived there was only about four months. I might rent month to month when I start working there as I finalize some things!


No-Introduction7458 t1_j9vflss wrote

there’s a 2 bedroom condo in Otterbein on W Barre right now for about 180k. Great area and right next to the MARC


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9x2rf9 wrote

Thanks! Will probably be gone by the time I’m ready though!


Biomirth t1_j9wkpo2 wrote

Honestly we should offer tours a few times a year, us locals. C'mon down and get a 1/2 day tour of every neighborhood in the city, complete with honest bias and local stories with color.

Would be fun and useful. I'll drive.


MyOwnMuse0708 OP t1_j9x2w8g wrote

That sounds like a good idea honestly! Realtors aren’t allowed to be this specific about neighborhoods LMAO


citizenkrang t1_j9y3fdb wrote

I would suggest contacting Live Baltimore and they can help guide you through this process and help you find out any grants you may qualify for . I believe there are some apartment complexes that offer reduced rates for city educators as well. Good luck.


lorena_rabbit t1_j9y4kw0 wrote

Good luck in your house search! Hopefully whoever you work with to buy your home will tell you about the grants and incentives available for first time buyers, and I would imagine, teachers. When we bought our house in Baltimore in November we got almost 9k through various grants to put towards the down payment . Here is a site with some that are available.