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baltimorecalling t1_j927hrs wrote

Did the contractor build the wall or just the fence?

Fences are considered 'minor work', whereas the wall construction would be considered 'major work'.

I don't know what the penalty scale is for minor vs major, but you could contest the permit penalty if you are able to argue that the work was emergency. That document should help.


Sensitive_Focus_5458 OP t1_j928fs8 wrote

The concrete walls came with the house they’re 4 ft high and the door didn’t close properly. The contractor built a partition (fence) of wood on top of it and added a door to keep people out. Thank you for the link.


baltimorecalling t1_j92cqhh wrote

That sounds like minor work to me. Maybe reach out to your city councilperson, let them know what happened, and see if there's anything that can be done that doesn't involve you getting fined.