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SpacePueblo t1_ja8ndjh wrote

Dropouts haven't been an issue for me. I've had it for an about a year and have only had maybe 2 "dropouts." Restarted the gateway and was up and running.

As long as you understand that a TMobile gate way is basically just an antenna which means placing it as high as you can (preferably top floor) with something close to Line of Sight to a tower you're not going to have an issue. If you place your gateway in the basement on the floor where your old router used to be you're gonna have issues and it's going to be your fault not Tmobile's.


blp_fz1 OP t1_ja8nqf8 wrote

Very interesting and makes sense. It's basically like a cell phone with a better antenna as I understand it, right?


SpacePueblo t1_ja8oym5 wrote

Exactly. It's like running a hotspot from your phone. Except instead of your phone it's this gateway thing.


blp_fz1 OP t1_ja8p3qk wrote

Right, that's what I figured. Definitely a good tip on placement in the house, thanks


blp_fz1 OP t1_ja8po4y wrote

Do you know of an app or something that lets you locate your closest tower? Or is there a way to figure out which tower you're connecting to?