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[deleted] t1_j7mc0wg wrote



BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j7mgx0j wrote

We won't catch you because you don't park in bike lanes. 😌


[deleted] t1_j7n4fg1 wrote



WendysNumber6 t1_j7nd8lo wrote

I don't know you'd have to find an Arabber and ask em


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j7rkruh wrote

We have not gotten any reports of Arabbers parked in bike lanes, but they do use them! It's nice to have a slower lane to keep their horses safe and calm.


[deleted] t1_j7nkggd wrote



WendysNumber6 t1_j7nl764 wrote

Well you don't have to call them anything to ask them about their horses


[deleted] t1_j7nljd9 wrote



WendysNumber6 t1_j7nllm2 wrote

Ok what's your word for them? Use that.


[deleted] t1_j7p57f0 wrote



Brendan_f18 t1_j7pftzq wrote


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j7pfvb6 wrote


>An arabber (or a-rabber) is a street vendor (hawker) selling fruits and vegetables from a colorful, horse-drawn cart. Once a common sight in American East Coast cities, only a handful of arabbers still walk the streets of Baltimore. They rely on street cries to attract the attention of their customers.

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[deleted] t1_j7q0utq wrote



Brendan_f18 t1_j7q26eh wrote

Curious why you think it's a slur? Hard to find much information, but it seems as though the consensus is that it is not a slur. It is the "preferred spelling of the Arabber Preservation Society, created in 1994 for the support of arabbing, β€œan African-American folk tradition,”"


[deleted] t1_j7qik65 wrote



Brendan_f18 t1_j7qkc0k wrote

Looks like you do this kind of thing a lot, whether as a joke or seriously. Can't honestly tell if trolling or not, but would genuinely like to see a source on why you think it's a slur.


wbruce098 t1_j7nbo5e wrote

My neighbor in Christ, please ensure your horse is tied up to an official city-sanctioned hitching post when not in vehicle lanes, and use regulation Baltimore Parking Blinkers when you need to stop in those lanes rather than the bike lanes.