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antelope0531 t1_jaaw4c5 wrote

Hunt Valley. 83N out of the city to Shawan road exit west, then take an immediate right onto Western Run Road and park in the park and ride lot there on your right. There will be other cyclists parking there. Take western run road away from Shawan and there are TONS of hills. You’ll see lots of cyclists out there Sat and Sun mornings. If that lot is full you can drive a little further west on Shawan until Oregon ridge Park. Park there and ride north on Cuba Road. Use the Strava heat map to find the most traveled roads by cyclists. Prior to having kids I used to do a lot of long rides up there when I was training for long triathlons. If you want something closer to the city, try the loch raven reservoir/Long Green/Baldwin area. There are some decent hills but more vehicle traffic. Hunt valley is really where you want to ride and is worth the drive. Plus, you can refuel at Wegmans after your rides in HV.


Porkchop_Sandwiches5 t1_jadebgd wrote

As someone who grew up north of hunt valley I agree with this, there are lots of beautiful roads to ride on up that way. However I’d stress that many of these backroads do not have shoulders much less bike lanes or have blind curves so please please be careful, especially on more of the main roads with traffic but no shoulder. I realize that cars are supposed to yield to bikers but I’ve seen too many near misses growing up. So please use caution, and yes this is equally applicable to the bikers and car drivers out there.