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MedicalSpecializer t1_j7pxxxv wrote

The students don’t care, the cycle won’t break because these students aren’t going to put the momentum to break it because they understand that their life will not meaningfully, materially improve even if they do get a decent education. They’ve been largely locked into poverty, permanently, and there’s no interventions that can break that. It’s best to provide palliative, post-education resources to make sure that they’re comfortable, safe, and out of the way.


default_laura t1_j7q2f1c wrote

What the fuck is wrong with you?


MedicalSpecializer t1_j7q36al wrote

What’s wrong with recognizing that all people deserve safety, peace, and comfort, irrespective of their (lack of) economic productivity? Not everyone has potential, that’s okay, they should still be well-cared for and thought of.


default_laura t1_j7r6fmq wrote

I am all for UBI, but this is the worst kind of faux benevolence.

You are discounting the potential and erasing the agency of entire groups of people based on loose statistics and economic potential. This is not a spreadsheet, it’s a community. Do you not understand how utterly backwards and repulsive this attitude is, or do you just not care?

Have you never gone through periods of growth? Have you never, after guidance and self reflection, made meaningful change?

Sometimes it takes people years, even decades. Sometimes they aren’t able to sustain it. But if they want it, they should always have the choice, they should always have the opportunity. They should never just be written off because some rando decided their stats didn’t look promising. Fucking gross.


Cheomesh t1_j7qpkkq wrote

>there’s no interventions that can break that

Then how the hell did I get out