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VygotskyCultist t1_j7q6ie5 wrote

Of course it can, it just takes a massive investment of time and resources. You're just pushing eugenics.


MedicalSpecializer t1_j7q6tcw wrote

Eugenics? I’ve said nothing about reproductive control, completely outside of the discussion.


VygotskyCultist t1_j7q7wxf wrote

You're discussing sequestering people from society based on their heritable conditions. Sounds a lot like eugenics to me.


MedicalSpecializer t1_j7q8e9y wrote

Please tell me, what heritable conditions am I talking about?


VygotskyCultist t1_j7qar32 wrote

You're talking about intergenerational poverty, right? The people in abject poverty you're discussing are born into that. You are writing them off as lost causes who should be sequestered from the rest of us because of their cost to society.

I mean, we'd save money on building ramps, too, if we paid disabled people to stay home. But we don't do that. Because it's bad.

If not literally eugenics, then it's the idea of eugenics applied to economics. "Disabled people shouldn't have kids because it's bad for our gene pool" isn't that different than "Poor people from terrible neighborhoods shouldn't participate in society because it's bad for our economy." It's a bad idea and you should feel bad about promoting it.