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MinistryofTruthAgent t1_j7s35ow wrote

We don’t teach creativity and development of skills in the US either.


ahbagelxo t1_j7s9f12 wrote

Nope not very well at least. We have like 50 million issues. But one thing we do better than most of the world, but still poorly in many many instances, is ensure our disabled students have access to some kind of education. My disabled friends who have travelled could tell you the US is leagues beyond most of the world, even with it's many many flaws (which I also abhor and could go on and on about). Basically, it's all flawed and messed up systemically but there are still some bright spots (at least in regards to international comparisons) among the many many downsides.


sonney88 t1_j7searz wrote

Yeah but this is just one class room your classroom of disabled kids, the rest of the 27 schools that kids are failing in math are not all disabled kids, and idk about you but when you check these big corporations like Exelon, Verizon, Microsoft and so on those names in the sr executives and fields that require more complex math you see South East Asian, and Asian names


MinistryofTruthAgent t1_j7snll6 wrote

But when you take each education system as a whole, which one is better? Would you rather have 27 schools having 0 students passing math? Or having 27 schools with everyone passing math except those who have some kind of intellectual disability?