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RepresentativeNo4075 t1_ja5xvr6 wrote

Same situation here. We are moving to Baltimore from Texas this summer. Hoping to find a safer place for us (lesbian couple with a daughter). We are really excited!!!


Smirkin2408 t1_ja7f6fn wrote

Congratulations! I hope your move goes well and I hope you love being here as much as we do!

Summers won’t phase you —they are surprisingly humid, but short! And the winters aren’t brutal! It’s so easy to travel all around the northeast!

Also I’ll say the city has a surprising amount of nature and parks that feel like actual woods is amazing and rare of a city if this size. Additionally Baltimore isn’t very sprawled (compared to something like Chicago) so you can get into the actual country in 20 min drive.

I haven’t found traffic to be terrible—especially for the northeast (as long as you aren’t commuting between dc.