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Jawwaad127 t1_j9x63r4 wrote

Being from the other side of York Road where crime is high, I couldn’t believe that such nice big homes existed as a child. We would go trick or treating in this area along with I believe it was called 7 lakes and wow at such big well kept homes. It always felt weird that two sides of York Road could be completely different


GingerMan027 OP t1_j9y1fg3 wrote

That's Baltimore for you. So many different neighborhoods, but a street can be like a border.


DfcukinLite t1_ja1m0og wrote

I mean did the old big houses in Govans, original Northwood, the big houses on the Alameda, and how are you? Ednor gardens? Cause those neighborhoods or or the opposite side of York road and they are stately and well kept to varying degree too


Jawwaad127 t1_ja1n6p5 wrote

Once you hit Woodbourne Ave and are going towards downtown, the left side of York Road between the Alameda and York Road is very crime ridden. There are big houses on that side but majority of them haven’t been kept up while the other side is completely different.


DfcukinLite t1_ja1nuv1 wrote

The alameda is no more “crime ridden” then anywhere else. The point is the house are just as nice and big on both sides of old York/ York road . It’s somewhat rough east till you get closer to Loch Raven blvd. But the majority of them are is great conditions


Jawwaad127 t1_ja1p0ua wrote

Lmao. Naw fam. They’re way two different environments. Homeland has million dollar homes while on the other side of York Road, you won’t find any between the Alameda and York Road yet are in the same zip code. 21212 The Alameda isn’t too bad as far as crime but when you get to Old York Road, there’s been many many murders in that area unfortunately.


DfcukinLite t1_ja240hd wrote

Im not talking about “environments”. Im talking about the sizes of homes/style. No shit the environments are different that’s by design. Those are early 1900s streetcar cul de sacs for wealthy WASPs, the latter are are also streetcar suburbs, but they were blocked busted, but the opposite side is only objectively shitty till Loch Raven blvd in most cases.