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S-Kunst t1_j9uz39l wrote

In Olney MD three historic homes were burned after the developers were told they could not plow them down to build their housing project or strip shopping centers. Funny how mother nature seems to always favor crass commercialism.

Not far from this venerable old Baltimore building, the St Vincent Orphanage was demolished, one weekend by a developer. Naturally city hall was silent.


PigtownDesign OP t1_j9v7wsc wrote

To be fair, they did get a massive fine, but that was from the Dept. of the Environment because there was asbestos EVERYWHERE from the demolition.


thriller24 t1_ja89jis wrote

Same with the Gundry Glass mansion. I e been waiting for the Uplands one to get set on fire any day now. A developer bought/is buying the land