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locker1313 t1_j85h1tk wrote

  1. LGBTQ+ is smaller than DC and spread out, traditional gayborhood is Mount Vernon but there's gay and queer friendly bars throughout the city. Plus we have a Stonewall League. No one cares.
  2. Can't answer from experience but general sense is no one will give you trouble for being non-American.
  3. If you make an effort to know your neighbors you can find all sorts of fun stuff. City's called Smalltimore for a reason.
  4. Yes
  5. My internet is pretty good, but it also isn't something I tend to notice.

Cat_Toucher t1_j863c1f wrote

> traditional gayborhood is Mount Vernon

I want to add a bit to this because I feel like people tend to just go, "Oh, gay? Mount Vernon." And it ends up being a bit misleading. MV was absolutely the center of gay nightlife 15+ years ago, but even then it mainly catered to affluent, more established cisgender men. In the last decade or so, almost all of the gay clubs have shut down, and MV is no longer much gayer than any of the other moderately artsy neighborhoods in the city. These last few years the queer scene is much more spread out, and, at least in my opinion as a bi woman, a lot more broad and welcoming to different parts of the LGBTQ spectrum. There's a bit of a nexus around the area of Old Goucher/Charles Village where Pride is held, with places like the Crown, which aren't specifically gay bars, but have a very queer clientele and a variety of theme nights and events that skew pretty art school.


moderndukes t1_j88zg3y wrote

I’d also point to the upstairs bar at Ottobar as another “not specifically gay but” place in that area. Art school students/grads also seem to be more in that area than they are in MV anymore.