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TerpFan11 t1_j8797dj wrote

Depends on your definition of close.

In Baltimore: It’s not exactly a hike but walking along the entire waterfront promenade between canton and locust point with Fort McHenry tagged on is a really nice walk and might scratch the itch if you don’t feel like leaving the city

Within 30 minutes: Some nice but fairly short hikes at Patapsco State Park.

Within 1 hour: Billy goat trail along the C&O canal near DC is really nice.

If you’re willing to get up very early and make a long day of it or for an overnight trip, Shenandoah National Park is beautiful and has tons of trails to explore

Also, just in general, is a great site to explore local hiking and find trails nearby


NowSinking t1_j88ikek wrote

Agree 100% with using AllTrails! Just wanted to add that Patapsco has more than 200 miles of trails, many of which are connected with one another, so you can make a long hike out if it very easily.


TerpFan11 t1_j88mcbi wrote

Wow I actually had no idea Patapsco Valley has that many trails! Growing up, my family would do the same trail pretty much every time, the one that leads down to the train tracks and river under route 40. Pro tip: even if you don’t hear any trains coming, you are taking a chance by walking through that tunnel. Saw my life flash before my eyes one time getting caught in the tunnel while a train came through. Luckily there was enough clearance but terrifying…


Fruktoj t1_j88s4mu wrote

Plus the fines. If you're caught on the tracks they will fine the shit out of you and maybe lock you up depending on how mouthy you feel about the fine lol. I was putzing in the river and watched a few teenagers with an older guy get got up on the bridge before the tunnel. The older guy wasn't happy and left in the back of a cruiser.


lucasbelite t1_j88rws6 wrote

Also, as far as dayhikes, it's really not a difficult or a long drive to reach the Apalachian trail if you want to build a habit of hiking.

You just hop on 70 and drive to Myersville, MD. Or take 795 and keep going straight as it turns into 140 to 16 and hit Waynesboro, PA. In both cases it's really easy to pack the night before and not give much thought about directions because you just keep going straight and cruise, so you can just hop in the car in the morning and sleep drive to the trailhead.

That and Baltimore has three awesome Reservoirs nearby that have endless trail systems.