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Animanialmanac t1_j9akuk7 wrote

Yes, I’m a practicing physical therapist in the city. Most of my patients now are victims of random violence. Years ago I saw many sports injuries and vehicle accidents, now my roster is primarily shooting victims. They weren’t dealing drugs or in the game as people call it. They were minding their own business walking to or from work or riding the bus, or driving in the city when a random interaction escalated fast to violence. Most say they don’t know what happened or what they could do differently to avoid it in the future. I focus on Medicaid and medical assistance hmo patients because that’s the greatest need in the city but these incidents happen to people of all walks of life. Please be careful and avoid anything that might become confrontational.


[deleted] t1_j9ax1um wrote



Tahh t1_j9b5k8r wrote

To right wing gun fanatics, the lives of hundreds of children and even more adults are just a necessary and unavoidable tax we have to pay in order to be "free." It's sickening.


Nelson_Gremdella t1_j9d8qtx wrote

Just out of interest, what do “right wing gun fanatics” have to do with OP having a gun pulled on her while she’s driving to work?


Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_j9eup8d wrote

Nothing, this is just a case of someone regurgitating the same script day after day. No deviations, no critical thinking.


Avocadofarmer32 OP t1_j9aoppe wrote

Thank you for what you do! Yeah I try not to engage anyone. This was def a wake up call for when I’m feeling road ragey myself that there’s always someone out there crazier.


TheBananaStan t1_j9b3tef wrote

Someone followed me home after i got a little road ragey about 5 years ago. I drove around random neighborhoods and back into a neighborhood that I hoped they wouldn’t want to be in until they let me go. But that was a wake up call and since then I’ve constantly reminded myself that it simply ain’t worth it.

Sorry to hear what happened to you, I am glad you are safe!


phasexero t1_j9aqry3 wrote

You guys in PT are miracle workers. Thank you for what you do, and especially your crew for your focus on people who really need help but too often have a hard time finding help.


aishel t1_j9c88y8 wrote

I do home health OT in the city and county. My company has a specific 'no weapons in the home' policy, which while I understand, given the climate of the last few years, I believe is outdated. Not because I'm afraid of the patients, but because of the crazy people on the streets without any regard for life. Every colleague I know carries pepper spray with them at minimum, but up against a gun, I don't think it's enough.