Submitted by Even-Cranberry-5222 t3_110vvi3 in baltimore

Hi All - I'm strongly considering a move to Baltimore and I also have close to 15 months of sobriety. The job that I would be taking would require me to attend social engagements and other community-building type things and I would very much like to protect my sobriety by being part of an active recovery community. I visited Baltimore when I was active and I get the impression that it's a drinking town - which isn't necessarily a deterrent coming from New York City which is another heavy drinking town. But I would love to know if any sober Baltimoreans and transplants to that area have any advice and encouragement that I can be happy and sober in the city...especially when it comes to meeting new people, finding fun things to do, and ideally dating again. Any help would be much appreciated.



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creditTo t1_j8blgqw wrote

My girlfriend and I are both sober and recently moved to Baltimore. There is a big community here, lots of AA meetings and other 12 step programs. Just try to go to 3+ meetings a week and I guarantee your phone will be blowing up with people inviting you to stuff in no time. And, sober people want to date sober people, so if you're active in the community I'm sure you will meet someone. Good luck!


TerpFan11 t1_j8bfmby wrote

Hello, yeah the community is big and very supportive! There’s a ton of non drinking activities and you can easily get engaged in tons of ways. I actually just recently started a blog/website with the aim of connecting the community of Baltimore and it outlines a bunch of social clubs, groups, volunteer opportunities and events and such that are available. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more about the local community. The website is here if you want to check it out. It’s a work in progress and there’s way more to add to the various lists. B’More & Beyond


okdiluted t1_j8c8kvh wrote

there's a huge sober community here! also one of the few biking communities with a huge sober presence. i'm not part of it myself, but among the people i know that actually makes me an outlier which is pretty cool.


Even-Cranberry-5222 OP t1_j8ehwc7 wrote

Thanks so much for this everyone! Very helpful - are there any neighborhoods that I should look to target where there's a decent amount of meetings within walking distance and a minimal level of distracting nightlife and bars?


NoMoKraTo t1_j8i1tcj wrote

Drinking cities tend to have robust recovery scenes.


deadest_of_parrots t1_j8dnr14 wrote

The sober community here is large, diverse and welcoming.


Gorgon86 t1_j8efumj wrote

There is a very large recovery community here. Tons of AA and other 12 step meetings. And there are folks so put on sober events, oftentimes several of them every week.


OwsleysApples t1_j8g5tm0 wrote

I ended up down here from NYC to get sober, I was in a recovery house originally. As others have said there is a massive AA community here. I have 12 years now and attend very few meetings but have also found lots of support in the fitness and fitness adjacent communities. I live in the county myself but have really come to enjoy Baltimore in my 12 years here. Compared to NYC it’s a much easier place to stay sober from my perspective. Roland Park/Hamden area has lots of meetings within a walk of each other.


ScrapMagick t1_j8uwkz4 wrote

Fellow sober. If being in bars isn't triggering, most of the halfway decent ones have NA options at this point.