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capfedhill t1_j8dhbjb wrote

>guy from NJ goes off and murders his family in a hotel room because he loses his job and can’t afford them anymore while visiting his daughter at Loyola

Damn, just looked this one up. What a fucked up story. Why not just kill yourself? Why kill your whole family for your own fuckup? What a scumbag.


_Alvin_Row_ t1_j8du75c wrote

She was my year at Loyola, that was a rough day.


DfcukinLite t1_j8e8pua wrote

I had mutual friends with her as well from my high school that were the same year at Loyola.


DfcukinLite t1_j8dnv88 wrote

People born with money don’t know how to live without it.


OwsleysApples t1_j8g4390 wrote

No idea how I missed this one, that family is from my hometown. Fairly small town on LI where everyone kinda knows each other. Granted I was gone in 09 but still connected.