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clebo99 t1_j8dqa52 wrote

NYC did things that worked but some would say went over the line. Stop and frisk for example. Now, you need too much money to live in NYC (well, in Manhattan anyway) so crime is much lower. But back in the 70s-80s-early 90s it was pretty bad.


judeiscariot t1_j8dsrdc wrote

Exactly. They went overboard with policing to get the results they got. If they hadn't then they'd be like other cities with similar population density.

The person who I responded to also used SF as an example, which went down a similar route and also costs too much, similarly.


clebo99 t1_j8dzc12 wrote

So the ethical question that everyone should ask themselves is was it worth it? I think a lot of people would say yes. Others would say that is targeted certain groups (which may or may not be true...I honestly don't know). What I do know is that people who live in cities (and I'm one of them living here right in the middle of Baltimore City) is that I want crime to be lowered. "Asking nicely" for people not to commit crimes hasn't seemed to have worked.