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tjo5112 t1_j9wo3yx wrote

Why not rent for a year and explore the city before buying? Or at the bare minimum, at least visit a few times and explore some neighborhoods.

Federal Hill and the surrounding areas are probably the best if you want a shorter trip.


TerranceBaggz t1_j9z9dwf wrote

If he’s working in Cherry Hill, anywhere near the Light Rail is a pretty good idea. Mount Vernon, Woodbury or Mount Washington would be within a 30 min ride to work. OP, check out those 3 neighborhoods. You can get a room/hotel for a weekend in all 3. I’d suggest since the location of your job allows it (proximity to the light rail) that you not frustrate yourself and look outside of neighborhoods not on the light rail. Auto traffic and parking here in other neighborhoods off the light rail are absolutely rage inducing. You can easily live a car lite lifestyle at the very least with a job in Cherry hill. Your stress levels will be much lower and you’ll probably enjoy this city much more when you aren’t having wild swings in time spent in traffic and searching for parking.


tjo5112 t1_j9zpthv wrote

It seems like usually when people talk about commuting it's by car, so that's why I said Fed Hill and areas close by. Also, other than Friday/Saturday nights and Ravens games, I actually don't think parking is too bad once you know where to go. Your suggestions are valid too, the Fed Hill area just seemed like a nice middle ground suggestion.

Plus, that's why I made my first point - rent in any part of the city that is reasonable commuting distance, get a feel for the city, and THEN think about buying. I think it'd be crazy to buy in a city you don't know anything about. Even visiting for a weekend (or multiple) seems like it wouldn't be enough to fully understand the traffic, public transportation, etc.


TerranceBaggz t1_ja06h2t wrote

Agreed, but I think if we’re going to progress forward as a city and not languish, we need to change that. If people are blank slate moving here, I want to lead them towards living a car lite or even car free life here and maximize their experience/life here.