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S-Kunst t1_j9uybq0 wrote

This type of negative mindset comes from people who like a 6 lane raceway, with chain commercial box stores up against that roadway, and cardboard houses behind the commercial blight. No building in Lutherville, built in the last 110+ yrs has artistic merit. All those "educated people" and not an artistic one in the bunch.


wave-garden t1_j9yf9vo wrote

Lol you basically just described everything I experienced with this area growing up in the 90s. I lived in Parkville but went to school in Towson with mostly Lutherville/Timonium people. It’s amazing how many of them grew up and never left and now have the same lack of imagination as their parents. It’s kind of the grand tradition of Baltimore county going way back to the white flight of the 60s.