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CGF3 t1_j9w1xvv wrote

The bigger issue with this plan is that all the schools in the area are at or above capacity. Sticking hundreds more units (which no doubt will include at least SOME children) is going to overcrowd the schools even more.


Cunninghams_right t1_j9waiyb wrote

100 units would add less than 1% to the population.


CGF3 t1_j9yevmy wrote

To the population of what? BaltCo schools? The schools in this immediate area?

And so what? The line has to be drawn somewhere. Why not here and now?


bmore t1_j9zq6b4 wrote

How many families with school aged kids do you think are gonna live in these studio and one bedroom apartments? Just curious.


CGF3 t1_ja0q1pd wrote

Perhaps I missed where it says that these will exclusively be studio and one-bedroom apartments(?).

Because other articles I've seen about this same project did NOT indicate that they will be what you say.

However, even if they are studio and one-bedroom apartments, I'm sure there will be a decent amount od kids there. Given the often-griped-about expense of living in the Lutherville-Timonium area, if a relatively low income person or couple wants their kid to attend county schools (versus the crap shoot that are the city schools), where will such people live? Probably a small, affordable, apartment, which is exactly what these are billed as.

I don't care if it's African Americans, Latinos, Norwegians, etc. The schools are too crowded for this. Build more schools first, THEN projects like these.


bmore t1_ja0xnpl wrote

Are you supportive of a tax increase to build more school capacity in the county?


CGF3 t1_ja10qln wrote

I have voted for every possible increase in school/education funding on every referendum since I moved to the county.

However, as with the city (albeit to a lesser extent), govt school systems are black holes of tax money. People like Johnny O always promise new schools and then never deliver.


baltGSP t1_j9wt17m wrote

Modern societies can build schools.


getafterit123 t1_j9y7f3p wrote

First time in Balt County? Tell that to the students of Dulaney High or the multitude of other schools in the same condition