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CGF3 t1_ja0q1pd wrote

Perhaps I missed where it says that these will exclusively be studio and one-bedroom apartments(?).

Because other articles I've seen about this same project did NOT indicate that they will be what you say.

However, even if they are studio and one-bedroom apartments, I'm sure there will be a decent amount od kids there. Given the often-griped-about expense of living in the Lutherville-Timonium area, if a relatively low income person or couple wants their kid to attend county schools (versus the crap shoot that are the city schools), where will such people live? Probably a small, affordable, apartment, which is exactly what these are billed as.

I don't care if it's African Americans, Latinos, Norwegians, etc. The schools are too crowded for this. Build more schools first, THEN projects like these.


bmore t1_ja0xnpl wrote

Are you supportive of a tax increase to build more school capacity in the county?


CGF3 t1_ja10qln wrote

I have voted for every possible increase in school/education funding on every referendum since I moved to the county.

However, as with the city (albeit to a lesser extent), govt school systems are black holes of tax money. People like Johnny O always promise new schools and then never deliver.