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atomlinson89 t1_j8jgo29 wrote

Reply to comment by sjjan103 in Solo dog play area in town? by 6flightsup

Have you found a good daycare for reactive dogs? We have a no-touch kennel for if/when we go out of town but haven't found a place for when we are in a pinch and our scaredy-cat dog would benefit from a daycare situation when we are gone for work for the day.


TheBananaStan t1_j8jibub wrote

If you don’t mind, what’s a no touch kennel? My dog got bullied at daycare lol


atomlinson89 t1_j8jvx51 wrote

Sure! It's Hickory Kennels in Forest Hill. A bit of a hike but they take care of our pup.


sjjan103 t1_j8jmd7j wrote

Ours is typically only leash reactive and sometimes reactive when there’s a chain link fence/fence she can see out of. We take her to doggy daycare and she does well with other dogs when she’s off leash. Sometimes she gets overstimulated so the daycare staff know her signals and know to pull her out and give her some alone time. It’s a kennel free doggy daycare so they are never in cages, even overnight for boarding. We usually just have to coordinate with staff for drop off and pick up since she’s on leash for that part. Our daycare likely wouldn’t work for a dog who is reactive off leash


[deleted] t1_j8jojuf wrote

Can I PM you for your daycare recommendation for our trainer? We eventually found one, but the first one we tried was awful. Way too many dogs to not enough people and my pup was miserable.


[deleted] t1_j8joba8 wrote

It depends on how reactive they are, but mines also a scaredy cat and I found a daycare willing to work with us! They’re so patient with getting her acclimated slowly. Came up with a plan and everything. PM me