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sxswnxnw t1_je4lir5 wrote

I lived near there, my address was Pikesville, but I think it was also technically Garrison, but it felt like Owings Mills?

The Courts of Avalon off of Reisterstown Road was a convenient location because you didn't have to deal with as much traffic as there was up the road a ways. Now, with the Wegmans up the road (I lived at The Courts of Avalon before the Wegmans and that entire shopping plaza were there), I am sure it is worse, and The Courts of Avalon could be even more desirable due to the comparably low traffic volume. Plus there are multiple ways out of that community (to Reisterstown Rd or McDonough Rd)... This came in handy, too. Living there, it was the first time in my adult life I had a private garage for my car. And ngl, it was kinda bomb. The rent was high though!

I was going to move closer to the subway terminus because it did feel quite suburban (plus they had the newly-built library in the new transit-oriented development in literal Owings Mills) and it would have made it easier to get to Baltimore, but I got a job transfer and moved to Columbia instead. There are a lot of nice apartments near the library and also off Lakeside between Painter's Mill and Owings Mills Blvd. I looked at places farther down Lakeside by Owings Mills High but it was too suburban for me. If you want a more dense feel with improved walkability to things, maybe stick to Reisterstown Road and Painters Mill or the transit-oriented development near the library/Costco.

I used to run all over that area, from the high school/Red Run Road all the way through Pikesville to the city line. Not all in the same day though! Lots of running memories, good and bad. Anyway, it's a generally nice suburb with a lot of traffic. All of the apartments I looked at over there had the same to me. When I go back to that area now, it feels the same, just more traffic.


rreed2000 t1_je4qx7s wrote

Is it just me or do people drive extra aggressively around Owings Mills? Admittedly, most of my experience is with folks on 795, but some of them getting off on the Owings Mills exits seem to drive like kamikazes.


Dr_Midnight t1_je603hn wrote

Owings Mills Blvd (and branching roads) are a mess, and Reisterstown Road from where it terminates near BCCC in the City all the way to Main Street in Reisterstown is a hellscape - especially in the stretch between Dolfield to the West and McDonogh to the East.

With that said, 795 is the fucking Fury Road.



EvilAbdy t1_je4rchm wrote

Oh there are absolutely some insane drivers in OM


mibfto t1_je5istc wrote

So I used to work in OM (for over a decade) and didn't realize just how bad it was until I stopped going there every single day. Now I work in Hunt Valley and anytime I go to OM (sometimes I'll pickup at the target out there if they have something in stock that Timonium doesn't) and WOW. It's bananas the way folks drive over there. I assume it's in part because of how much more dense the population became over a short period of time but idk.


sxswnxnw t1_je530yj wrote

Imo, the suburbs have some of the most aggressive drivers I have experienced in this state. Owings Mills is definitely in the top 5. I think it's the long boulevards there with very few breaks for pedestrians, and all the double and triple one-ways. Also rare street parking. People treat them like race tracks.