Submitted by ratczar t3_125nli1 in baltimore

Hey folks,

I'm part of a group of D&D players that got its start here way back in 2016. We all met off a reddit post, having been total strangers before, and we've played every Thursday since.

In that tradition, we find ourselves a person down and are turning to Reddit to look for another player!

Some info about the game - we're currently 5 gents in our late 20's to late 30's. All of us are high-functioning adults in stable relationships - big Dadnerd vibes - that have been friends for years. We're at level 12 doing a time travel campaign (think Sliders) in a kind of magitech society that the party knows will catastrophically collapse at a set time. We drink a bit when we game but have table norms of no smoking and no excessive consumption of booze, and no cheesecake is allowed at the table (long story).

If you want to play with us, you need to be able to commit to a Thursday game night starting b/w 6:30 and 7 PM. And when I say commit - we probably miss no more than 10 games a year total, including holidays.

If you're interested, DM me and we'll talk.



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sllewgh t1_je4zebr wrote

Are y'all more like Critical Role or Dungeons and Daddies? Where would you put yourselves on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being rules lawyers and 10 being a silly improv game occasionally punctuated by dice rolls?


ratczar OP t1_je50142 wrote

5? We try for 5 anyway. We've all DM'ed so we all know the rules pretty well, except for grappling which we have to look up every time for some reason.

My style as a DM tends to emphasize exploration and combat over social, but we're also about to do a multi-session arc of nothing but social, so. Other ppl DM as well and have different strengths, and we generally try to play to the mood of the group


sllewgh t1_je52lib wrote

Thanks! I have an incredible group that's like a 7-10 depending on the night, but I'm always looking to scratch that itch a bit more. I'm lucky to have played nearly every Friday for most of the last 5 years.


humming_bear t1_je52uky wrote

I wish I could join in. I played as a kid but don’t even remember how now. Seems a good way to make friends though for someone new-ish to the area (like me).


ForsakenPoptart t1_je54p6k wrote

Do some one-shot auditions to find your new guy. Trust me on this.


ratczar OP t1_je55j62 wrote

This is exactly how the group started. Going from nothing to level 12 is a bit of a learning curve but if you're interested I'd be open to give it a shot - certainly no shortage of folks in our group w/ rules knowledge


bavarian t1_je56dmt wrote

If you haven't found anyone here try r/lfg


TeachGullible t1_je56kav wrote

Sounds awesome. Are you in city proper? Which neighborhood?


DamionFord t1_je581h4 wrote

Im trying to learn how to play but nobody ti teach me. 30 male lives in Harford County and drives. Not too many friends. Let me know


lone_geek t1_je585wb wrote

I'd be interested. Curious about high-functional, is that relating to a neurodivergent perspective or related to life / success benchmarks?


ratczar OP t1_je5cy3z wrote

We have jobs and housing and relationships, we can read social cues and make light conversation, we bathe regularly, and we've only had someone puke from the second floor on to the building awning once.


HistrionicSlut t1_je5e0fs wrote

Tried to DM you but it won't let me?

I've played since I was a kid and would love a new group. I'm mid 30s AFAB but genderqueer about it. I do like cheesecake but can commit to not bringing it.

My characters tend to be more comic relief or very serious, depending on what the group needs. I'm down to play any class! Just give me enough time to research it. I won't ask for any homebrew stuff either, I know that can get difficult.


OldTreePuncher t1_je5nkm4 wrote

Which edition of D&D?

I'm a "Forever DM" that hasn't played since the summer of 92, and honestly only know Pathfinder 1st, and older editions. (also WoD, Rifts)


CallMeHelicase t1_je6hbtz wrote

I'd love to join! I have played for years (but haven't played recently). Also am a high functioning adult, and am married. I'm located in the city too, so doesn't seem like you would be too far away. I also don't smoke and don't cope well when people do (I always end up wheezing)


Cum-gutter t1_je72ez4 wrote

Starting softball on Thursdays so If anyone is interested in starting a campaign on a different day I’d love to play.


High_Seas_Pirate t1_je79yy5 wrote

I learned by listening to podcasts and watching a few YouTube channels.

Check out Tabletop Champions or The Adventures Zone as a starting place for podcasts. Critical Role is the gold standard, but can set unrealistic expectations for those new to the hobby because everyone there is a trained voice actor.

For YouTube channels, check out The Dungeon Dudes, Taking 20, Zee Bashew's Animated Spellbook series, or XP to Level 3.


maidrey t1_je7nwa0 wrote

I haven’t had the opportunity to join a group, yet, but we’re in the same neighborhood and my husband and I have like 350 board games if you ever want to do some other gaming :)


High_Seas_Pirate t1_je7tyk4 wrote

Oh definitely, I'm the same way. Hearing it actually in use with the real play podcasts helped me though. Even if you don't follow the rules, they're still fun to listen to. The Adventures Zone tends to play a bit of Calvinball with the rules anyway.


SelfInflictedPancake t1_je8kp0z wrote

If this is you flo I Still remember game night at your house lol it was so much fun and I think about it sometimes when I ever get to play ... If you're not flo, I hope you find an awesome group to share those 350 board games with :)