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Goth_2_Boss t1_jcjh9mt wrote

The same reason any place does? Really wealthy racists.


Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_jcjvy5x wrote

Why not let them have the statues then on condition they make a very hefty donation to a local charity that supports minorities or LGBTQ? If no one claims them, melt them down for scrap value and donate that money.


DONNIENARC0 t1_jckc8f2 wrote

They were being sent to be displayed in an art exhibit in LA later this year. Also not sure we own them in the first place.

The Columbus statue that people tore down and threw in the harbor a couple years ago, for example, was commissioned & owned by Italian American Organizations United


Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_jckfaaf wrote

Ah, got ya. I was just scheming to extract some wealth from some rich racists and use it for good.