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dopkick t1_jbcwwh9 wrote

I think Boston is pretty bad value. I’d never consider living there post-school as there are so many better options available. However, attending school for 2-4 years… maybe. Would depend on the strength of program, class sizes, advisor (if grad school), etc.

Ultimately, OP is going to be a student and likely won’t be taking advantage of the world class food scene anywhere. Personally, in addition to the aforementioned I’d factor in things like financial aid. If I can graduate with $50K less debt from one school I’d be keen to pick that over a specific city. The $50K would go a long way in getting your life started after graduation.

Ignoring the pragmatic school stuff, Boston is easier to get around without a car. And definitely safer. If you’re in school I feel like the friendliness of people is irrelevant as you WILL make friends at school.


Alternative_Fig3039 t1_jbcxr34 wrote

If you need or rely on public transportation than its Boston by a mile. Baltimore’s public transpo is so awful.