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DMelanogastard t1_je890t9 wrote

Important detail is that he moved it because the city was set to take over the team. The prick robbed us of a TRULY publicly owned NFL franchise (even better than the Packer’s public stock ownership model)


madesense t1_je9a18q wrote

On the other hand, the City of Baltimore is not known for having the best governance


rpd9803 t1_je9jhgr wrote

Hard to govern when your tax base flees to Baltimore county, and the state diverts as much funding away from the city as it could.. but not wrong.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_je9o8ak wrote

And shit like this happens. And the city never controlled the police, which the state used as a racist oppressive force, basically designed to capture slaves. Etc.


mrdank t1_je9spg9 wrote

Perhaps consider why the tax base left?


SpacecaseCat t1_jebt0qv wrote

We already know all about it:

>White flight or white exodus is the sudden or gradual large-scale migration of white people from areas becoming more racially or ethnoculturally diverse. Starting in the 1950s and 1960s, the terms became popular in the United States. They referred to the large-scale migration of people of various European ancestries from racially mixed urban regions to more racially homogeneous suburban or exurban regions. The term has more recently been applied to other migrations by whites, from older, inner suburbs to rural areas, as well as from the U.S. Northeast and Midwest to the milder climate in the Southeast and Southwest....
>The business practices of redlining, mortgage discrimination, and racially restrictive covenants contributed to the overcrowding and physical deterioration of areas with large minority populations. Such conditions are considered to have contributed to the emigration of other populations. The limited facilities for banking and insurance, due to a perceived lack of profitability, and other social services, and extra fees meant to hedge against perceived profit issues, increased their cost to residents in predominantly non-white suburbs and city neighborhoods.


rpd9803 t1_jeb4mur wrote

Lots of things, notable among them… racism


vintage2019 t1_jee06mi wrote

People have a right to leave a high crime area. It is what it is.


mrdank t1_jeb9mou wrote

I'm genuinely curious. Can you give me some examples?


spaceribs t1_jebcmhf wrote

No you're not, or you'd like I dunno, look it up yourself?


mrdank t1_jebhybh wrote

Not sure what your problem is? Good job embarrassing yourself.


sllewgh t1_je9svkm wrote

The tax base didn't flee to Baltimore County, it disappeared since the 70s along with the manufacturing and industrial jobs that once sustained a city population of 1M. No jobs, no taxes.