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longhorn718 t1_je1ylx9 wrote

Those were extenuating circumstances that involved public health considerations and staffing concerns. There was no reason aside from whatever was going through Mosby's head to deny the Lees their legal rights.

I was not part of any of the legal discussions regarding zooming hearings and trials, so please don't take my arguments as gospel! I'm just trying to logic this out.


Finnegan-05 t1_je2gz75 wrote

Zoom hearings and trials are still going on in some jurisdictions because they have proven to be just as effective and more efficient and are helping to clear the backlogs. Attending by zoom will be a thin argument on appeal.


damagecontrolparty t1_je31dol wrote

Especially since it's not like they needed to put on a case or anything. I do think they should have had more notice and the opportunity to have an interpreter since it seems like the parents may need one.