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AmbitionOfPhilipJFry t1_je4mf51 wrote

Reply to comment by S-Kunst in New foxtrot is now in the air by Douseigh

Wtf, you're saying having under 15 seconds for live overhead observation for any crime in the city at any time 365/7 isn't productive?

The police are productive. It's the DAs and judges with their plea before judgment parole that detooth consequences. That and legislatures trying to allow blocks of criminals to operate at will: no pursuit of dirt bike policy means anything that can be carried in a backpack can go anywhere with impunity. They're trying to get rid of murder charges for people under 25. What age group demographic do you think commits the most murders? It's insanity.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_je4sq7m wrote

>The police are productive.

It's not even 9 and this is without a doubt the dumbest shit I'll read on the internet today.


Dr_Midnight t1_je62aqo wrote

> They're trying to get rid of murder charges for people under 25.

"That's a nice argument, Senator. Why don't you back it up with a source?"


AmbitionOfPhilipJFry t1_je68htn wrote

Maryland House Democrats are trying to outlaw felony murder charges for people under 25 years old, arguing that brain development isn't complete until that age.


Dr_Midnight t1_je68t4d wrote

Ah, I see. That bill's dead on arrival.


> says Hartford County Sheriff Jeff Gahler.



YoYoMoMa t1_je4wso0 wrote

>The police are productive

LOL. And may I add, LMAO.


winnower8 t1_je4n704 wrote

DAs, judges, and juries. Juries are citizen who want perfect CSI DNA evidence and a kingpin to be dealing on a corner with eye witness testimony. Juries or the people of Baltimore don’t want convictions.


engin__r t1_je4xmbq wrote

So are you saying that juries want to actually make sure the person is actually guilty first?


RoxxorMcOwnage t1_je5ed8n wrote

They won't convict because they don't trust the police who investigated the crime.