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EthanSayfo t1_jedcokx wrote

The garage next to the station is filled by 9am, at least when I was using it regularly. I doubt it's changed much?

And thanks for the downvote -- yay, gotta downvote people I disagree with parking about, rawr! Go get 'em.


ohamza t1_jee4q25 wrote

I didn't downvote your initial comments, but sure I'll take credit. That station is served by multiple bus lines, including the free circulator and the a light rail a block away. It's accessible as is without a personal automobile that the rest of us have to accommodate. I personally use a scooter to get to Penn.

Anyway like I said, the surface lots in the city can be better utilized as folks on here know.


jeweynougat t1_jeehe5y wrote

I'll have to disagree with this. I park in that garage. It is full and then it turns over and fills again in the evening. I live in the Northeast. It take a 15 minute walk and then two buses to get to Penn Station. The first bus comes every 30 minutes during rush hour (!!!) and often doesn't show up or is running late (I went just now to looks at the exact headway on Google Maps and it is running 20 minutes late, eg, right now). There is no light rail. There is no metro. For physical reasons, I cannot use a bike or scooter. Until Baltimore does better with reliable public transportation that serves all areas of the city, there needs to be some affordable way for people to park their cars near the train. It doesn't have to be on that block but the city is large, this is the only train station, and public transportation is a joke.


ohamza t1_jees02y wrote

Then join us for the fight for better transit. The city can only do so much since the state runs everything besides the circulators.


DfcukinLite OP t1_jee86i9 wrote

The light rail comes directly to the station, not a block away.


ohamza t1_jeechfb wrote

Does it now? I know they used to run a light rail shuttle between Penn and Camden Yards that went directly to the station, but they stopped it during COVID. I know coming down from the north the closest stop is Mt. Royal which is a quick walk over.


DfcukinLite OP t1_jeecyp1 wrote

Yeah, it wasn’t a “shuttle”. It was a legit line. But yes Penn Station has a light rail stop. You have to catch it between Camden yards and Mt Royal, so you coming from the North would mean you’d have to catch the the Penn Station train at Mt. Royal to transfer which is dumb because at that point you could just walk.

The only reason the lightrail stop there is closed is due to the station redevelopment upgrades to the track and platform.


ohamza t1_jeerocx wrote

Gotcha, that makes sense. It is pretty dumb that they didn't build a track so that the southbound trains north of Mt. Royal can go straight to Penn, seems like something pretty obvious. Granted I live just close enough that while walking is too far taking public transit is less efficient than a scooter.