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Spiritual-Hedgehog-7 t1_itemegj wrote

I’m sure I’ll get downvoted, but powerbanks are extremely affordable on amazon. Quit crying, nothing is owed to you.


umbligado OP t1_itemtdd wrote

Yeah I already mentioned that. At the same time power is cheap, and not everyone’s walking around with a power bank all the time. Also, laptops. The station has intentionally ripped all basic amenities out, and it’s getting really spartan in there. I use the station all the time, but increasingly I really dislike being there. Being stuck there with a train delay now really sucks, especially now that the little bar/restaurant is closed as well.


Spiritual-Hedgehog-7 t1_itenwvu wrote

Agreed. They are undergoing a complete renovation so hopefully they’ll be upgrades + eateries in the near future


okdiluted t1_itfhob4 wrote

"nothing is owed to you" is such a terrible outlook to have about the world!


Spiritual-Hedgehog-7 t1_itj7xhd wrote

Work towards a good paying job you bum. So many libs on this app. I’m by far a conservative but this app is a joke


MYQkb t1_itgn3pn wrote

A mantra of the greedy little people, ironically the world owes THEM some things.

Always funny to see the seething rage come spewing out of people, WHENEVER you try to benefit others.

Balt is getting a steady influx of these morally crooked people, viciousness is the flavour around town.


DirtyPolecat t1_itl0xnd wrote

They day they start bottling and selling oxygen because they've made the air so completely unbreathable without catching 50 different cancers is the day you start defending bottled oxygen.