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YesIDoBlowCops t1_itgpexo wrote


Xanny t1_ithsm8n wrote

Amtrak, by its government charter, is obligated to run those lines, even when the fees they pay the track operators are extortionary and the trains themselves are too low ridership (largely because they cannot be on time when freight takes priority, and also because trains on the freight tracks are slow by track limits Amtrak cannot improve and freight operators have no reason to). Amtrak can be inefficient, but blaming its unprofitable lines on Amtrak is absurd.

There is also the whole infrastructure and transit should not be profitable. Roads in the US are never profitable. If you put a toll on it, its usually only there long enough to recoup the initial construction costs. Ongoing maintenance and unkeep still come out of state DoT budgets. The fact people want the passenger rail lines to be profitable while subsidizing the interstates completely and then wonder why there isn't more demand for trains is a major 4head mood (especially when basically nobody anywhere can live car free).


umbligado OP t1_itgqqjp wrote

Correct, especially the long routes in less populated areas.