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YesIDoBlowCops t1_ith4vjd wrote

As a former federal employee, you know as well as I do that these jobs are bogus and the employees would make nowhere near what they make in the private sector.

Furthermore what you said is false. The federal government funds amtrak retirement benefits to an extent and we know this because it has been the subject of republican attack in the past. I looked it up and as of 2021 about 25% are from federal government sources. The pension system is definitely not fully amtrak funded and also amtrak is bailed out every couple of years with federal cash in addition to that subsidy. It's in the RRB 2022 annual report if you want to see for yourself.


Most_Difference_2521 t1_ith8mk4 wrote

Im not going to engage with you over this. You’re wrong. I know this because all I have to do is look at my paycheck. I know what Tier 1 and Tier 2 are.


YesIDoBlowCops t1_ithex6t wrote

The money is contributed from salaries that are extremely bloated to begin with. How much of a paycut would you take if you tried to get a job in the private sector? Some people get mad when they see facts that they don't want to acknowledge. Looks like you are one of those people.


Most_Difference_2521 t1_ithgobv wrote

“The money is contributed from salaries…”

So after telling me I’m wrong you now admit that the pension money comes from the salaries?

Also instead of blocking me you could just say “you’re right”😆


Most_Difference_2521 t1_ith91md wrote

And as a side note a lot of people’s education on the railroad goes beyond high school. Trade school? Military experience? No everyone needs(not wants) a college degree to make money. Worried about government excess? Do you want to talk about private sector corporate bailouts? The absolutely bloated military budget? Amtrak is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.


YesIDoBlowCops t1_ithetmm wrote

You don't have to bullshit me, I know what the deal is. Yes I oppose all forms of waste fraud and abuse.


Most_Difference_2521 t1_ithfayo wrote

How am I bullshitting you? And if you believe there’s waste, abuse and fraud going on in a publicly transparent part of the government you should definitely go file a formal complaint. You sound like you’re really good at complaining