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wer410 t1_iu9i6md wrote

It's not as if she gives a damn about anything or anyone that doesn't put money in her pocket.


FriedScrapple OP t1_iu9l7vx wrote

Nothing they’ve done has put money in their pockets. They’re just fantastically stupid. They could have had their vacation houses honestly if they bought one at a time and waited until they could afford the second. She would’ve been re-elected easily. They knew there was a GOP Governor out looking for heads, ask Ed Norris. They could’ve hired an accountant and lawyer to fix their shit a long time ago. Instead she went asking for an audit. Spending her time dogging Keith Davis Jr and giving people the finger at the sandlot. It’s like she can’t help herself. She’s a terrible combination of dumb and arrogant.


brocialism t1_iu9pbyn wrote

Plainclothes officer is actually an amazing lazy costume idea


AttisofAssyria t1_iu9qqad wrote

They're really trying to be sure they can't get an impartial jury in Baltimore, aren't they?


pbear737 t1_iu9s6xf wrote

I'm also just cracking up at a married woman in her 40s doing the whole 'sexy Halloween' bit.


Hot_Cut_815 t1_iu9vlc9 wrote

She is a special kind of stupid.


NationalMyth t1_iu9z7e5 wrote

I mean, people have a right to dress as a sexy whatever they want whenever they want. No one has to age out of their feelin sexy side.

Edit: I just want to state that I'm not supporting what they decided to dress as, but just wanted to guff at the idea that you can't dress as a sexy [whatever] in your 40s


NationalMyth t1_iua244o wrote

The trope that someone in their 40s wanting a sexy costume is funny? C'mon dude there are plenty of other things I'm sure you can find to roll your eyes at, especially with the Mosby's.


pbear737 t1_iua2zca wrote

I'm not a dude, and honestly this has been a thing I've rolled my eyes at since college. Other women running around outside freezing to have a sexy outfit is just a funny demonstration of the patriarchy to me. I know, empowered by one's sexuality and all. To me, there was always a lot of pressure to buy into these kinds of costumes, and I never understood it.


addctd2badideas t1_iua5t66 wrote

You know, as much as I fault the patriarchy for many of the inequities in our society, it's also important to respect people's agency.

If someone wants to dress up in a sexy Halloween costume, let 'em and God Bless. Not my jam and obviously it's not yours either. But that's their choice and I might internally judge a bit but I'm never going to tell someone not to do it if it brings them joy and hurts literally no one.

If you're that concerned by the patriarchy, it doesn't help to tear other women down because they don't subscribe to your interpretation of feminism.


pbear737 t1_iua878q wrote

That's totally fair. I don't think having a laugh about something I find mildly funny is exactly tearing women down. But I agree I could keep that thought in my head rather than on a random internet thread.


wer410 t1_iuabxo9 wrote

I will respectfully beg to differ. Lying on mortgage apps, cheating on taxes, setting up "legal defense fund" accounts and requesting donations from the public, leveraging her position to obtain paid speaking engagements...are designed to put money in her pocket.


POGTFO t1_iuadwr9 wrote

Ironically, this is the only thing Mosby has ever done that I support. Kinda looking good 😂


FriedScrapple OP t1_iuaez42 wrote

Sure, but she’s also the State’s Attorney for the next two months. It’s undignified. One thing about Ivan Bates, I don’t think we will see him dressing up like sexy Abe Lincoln, flipping off people at a bar or calling people hookers.


scout725 t1_iuaflvh wrote

Sexy doesn't stop after 40. I'm not saying this to support her in particular but as a general rule. I hope for you someone finds you sexy after 40.


BJJBean t1_iuajvty wrote

That costume is all right but I think her next costume, an orange jumpsuit, will fit her a lot better.


BlackLagooning t1_iuaqs77 wrote

...Is there an especially good article that would allow me to read up on this from beginning to end? I'm ignorant.


pbear737 t1_iuar6q5 wrote

I never said sexy stopped at 40 or anything about someone finding someone sexy after 40. I think my thought may be getting lost in translation, but that's alright.


Autumn_Sweater t1_iuay667 wrote

> Lying on mortgage apps

For anyone who's never had a mortgage you sign a bunch of forms saying "I solemnly swear everything on this application is true and if I'm lying I know that it's a serious federal crime", and Marilyn Mosby is a lawyer.


FriedScrapple OP t1_iub3h4p wrote

No! You are not allowed to laugh! You must take your downvotes with great shame, because there is nothing funny whatsoever about a 40-something woman in a cringy-as-fuck costume.


Cunninghams_right t1_iubv67q wrote

I hate the Mosbys and want them both out of Baltimore, but I don't really care what they dress as for Halloween