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jabbadarth t1_iu2i8z9 wrote

I still love and respect him. Guy was trying to make a point and missed the mark. It's hardly the same as what Kanye said. Also Torrey has done and still does amazing things for baltimore and people in need. He has a charity he is very active in and constantly gives his time and money to good causes.

But yeah go ahead and speak for everyone like we will all just dump him because he screwed up on one single comment.

Fuck that shit. Why can't anyone make mistakes anymore?


rpd9803 t1_iu2r2k5 wrote

And the reaction he is getting from this is not going to dissaude him from the racist opinion that the Jewish people are disproportionately influential in many areas of life. I certainly don't agree with the racist opinion in any way, to be clear... I'm just not sure its worthy of scumbag-no-matter-what-else-for-life status.


[deleted] t1_iu30v4i wrote



snotwhat t1_iu3tblx wrote

Yes, it is antisemitic to use “but historically they have been in powerful positions” to not take seriously the fact that Jewish people make up less than 2% of the world population, most ARE NOT RICH AND POWERFUL. Jewish people historically have not been able to own property, so they lent money, sold jewels, and this is as a community. Things have a changed a bit, but there are still way more Christian people in powerful positions. So when issues happen to Jewish people it’s easy to push it off as. “We’ll, they are all connected anyway, right?”


megalomike t1_iu3vi6e wrote

i love these "antisemitism is rooted in historical truths" arguments that cherry pick lending money because usury was against the law but ignore the fact that JUDAISM was against the law.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iu4621l wrote

> Jewish people historically have not been able to own property, so they lent money, sold jewels, and this is as a community.

When in history did Jewish people stop being heavily involved in those industries?

I agree there are way more Christian people in powerful positions, personally I think they are overrepresented in government and plenty of other areas.


snotwhat t1_iu7a0fu wrote

This is a pretty good break down of some of the questions you are asking.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iu7emh9 wrote

Thanks for sharing that.

I think my issue here was responding to the person who said, "this is not going to dissaude him from the racist opinion that the Jewish people are disproportionately influential in many areas of life." Obviously it seemed like I was disagreeing with that, I apologize, that was not my intent. Just because Jewish people might tend to work in a specific industry for whatever reason (possibly based in historic or current racism) doesn't mean they're disproportionately influential. I don't think Jews control the banking industry anymore than I think Hispanics control the landscaping industry. Apologies if I offended anyone.


snotwhat t1_iuhkycl wrote

I’m just now seeing your response. Thank you for reading this and being open-minded. I appreciate your response.


todareistobmore t1_iu7x01i wrote

> there are still way more Christian people in powerful positions

Why would 'Christian people' be the appropriate frame of reference here rather than Black people given what Smith actually said?


rpd9803 t1_iu362yx wrote

I think you just have to do the best you can to maintain perspective that not everyone has the same experiences you do, and the folks making snap judgements on whether people fall into the ‘good/evil’ buckets based off a small set of impersonal experiences doth protest too much. And yeah of course it’s racist has been for a long time..

but I also think the ‘why didn’t adidas drop Ye when he said slavery was a choice but then they dropped him for being anti-Semitic is a fair question for Adidas to answer…

It’s hard not to step in the shit landmines


No-Success7693 t1_iu4im7z wrote

An African American saying "slavery was a choice" is just a weird non sequitur, really. It's a fucked up thing to say, but it doesn't really even connect up with the cultural memes associated with white supremacist ideologies.

Suggesting that Jews control everything, and that one is about to inflict ultra-violence on them, has been the prelude to various anti-semitic ethnic cleansing initiatives for centuries.

Of course a German company founded by two guys who both joined the Nazi party and cooperated with the war effort was going to drop him. The only real question is why it took them so long.


rpd9803 t1_iu4j013 wrote

So if he was a jew he could say the Jews control everything and it would be a weird non-Sequitur?


No-Success7693 t1_iu6xd1i wrote

No, if he was a jew and said they invented anti-semitism just to have something to do, that would be a weird non-sequitur.

I think you might have completely missed my point, intentionally or otherwise.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iu7f8vp wrote

I feel like I either misread your "disproportionately influential" as "overrepresented" or at least that's how I replied to it. I apologize, rereading my post in the context isn't at all what I meant. I do not think Jews control the banking or media industry or anything like that. And Kanye is a clown, has been for a long long time.


Avocadofarmer32 t1_iu2j7ws wrote

You can still do amazing things for your community while being a shitty person. His true colors came out today. He had the opportunity several times to learn from his mistakes and apologize and he chose not to. He took the “ I’m sorry that you’re offended route “ his remarks are the same antisemitic remarks that lead to the start of the Holocaust. That all Jews control the media and all Jews hold positions in power. And yes, everyone is allowed to make mistakes. He chose to continue to say “ I’m sorry you’re offended “


aresef OP t1_iu2mzad wrote

But then he came around and heard people out and understood that, even if he isn't a hateful person, his tweets were hurtful. Aren't people allowed to learn and grow? We shouldn't discourage it.


YogurtHeals t1_iu2sqmi wrote

The double down is kind of insane though… he “meant what he said”

Torrey needs to take his lumps and learn from this.


aresef OP t1_iu2t9op wrote

Based on the article, he clearly did.


YogurtHeals t1_iu2tdav wrote

I can’t see it. Would greatly appreciate you posting it. 🙏


aresef OP t1_iu47yy3 wrote

I’m not gonna do that (it’s against the rules) but you can go on his Twitter and Schleifer’s and catch up.


Avocadofarmer32 t1_iu496hl wrote

He made about numerous tweets before eventually apologizing. He made numerous tweets saying he meant what he said and he wasn’t going to apologize. I’m being downvoted for what? This shows people’s true colors on the subject..